(no subject)

Nov 13, 2006 17:46

I am online waffling again instead of working, because clearly that is the thing to be doing. Yes. To be fair, other than the You-Know-What (I was going to type 'that which shall not be named,' and then realised why they abbreviate him to 'You Know Who' *fingers fall off*), I only have one Physics question and a lab report. And I am currently waiting for the lab results to be merrily e-mailed to me, so that's entirely understandable, I hope you'll agree.

I cannot type at all at all because my hands are cold, thus I'm wearing fingerless gloves. In the library. LIKE A HOBO. That is me. The gloves are somewhat necessary though as my hands and wrists were beginning to cease moving properly due to the cold. I quite like winter, really, I like to snuggle up in warm things, but it does get rather irritating when you're reduced to wearing gloves indoors.

I'm looking at things on Leet, because somehow I had entirely failed to notice it before. I'm officially addicted to new languages/writing systems, I think; I'd also quite like to learn Ook! just because, well, Librarian.

(I was going to direct you to the Wikipedia entry, but it has been deleted. *sigh* It was a good entry, too; 'Ook!' is actually a programming language, based on something else that I forget, and basically consists of 3 different statements: Ook. Ook? and Ook!. Um. I forget how it works; that is I have a vague idea but so incredibly vague that it's not worth me trying to explain, as I shall be wrong. But you can do things with it, and it's a programming language you could actually speak, should you be so inclined, and that's quite fun, I think.)

I'm still pining for MUNCLE DVDs, and quite tempted to look for them after Christmas. Hmm.

Edit: I now feel quite blonde. And very amused. Heh.

work, language, muncle, geekery

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