Apr 05, 2006 23:44

I am in such a bad mood tonight, and I have no idea why. The only thing I can plead is build up of stress again over This Stupid Situation, Wherein I Know Not What To Do. I'm caught in a state of wanting to talk to people, but knowing that the conversation will just veer around to That again, and I don't want it to; I must be boring people silly, and I've already complained to three or four people about it today. And that's not including my previous post, nor this. ARGH.

I'd phone people, but I never know what to say. I dislike phones. At this particular moment in time, I dislike everything.

They are asking stupid questions on the radio. Incidentally, I've come up with a theory for the answer to life, the universe, and everything: It depends. Point in case; this stupid bloody question: 'Should good friends stay good friends, or can you enter into a relationship?'

AAAAAAARGH. This depends so much it's not funny. You cannot categorically answer 'yes' or 'no' to a question like this. I mean, ARGH. I'm sorry, I've lost coherency on this subject. Also, they're talking about how a lot of guys tend to get jealous if their girlfriend is (close) friends with another guy - and they keep stressing the 'not sex' part! I mean, come on. IT IS PERFECTLY OBVIOUS THAT WE DO NOT NECESSARILY HAVE SEX WITH OUR FRIENDS. OF EITHER GENDER. THANK YOU.

*calms down a little*

I've remembered that I did do something constructive today; I beta-read fic. This is good. I've also just added to my productivity by filling in my student loan form - which finally arrived today; I know people who got theirs weeks ago, and I was just starting to wonder whether I was even going to get one. It's pretty much done now, I just need my parents to give details about their finances. Here's hoping it doesn't go the way of my passport application, which I completed in September, and has still not been sent off, despite me leaving for university only asking that please would my parents get my photo countersigned by my godmother (apparently I don't look enough like my previous passport photo), seal the envelope, and send it. I am Not Amused by this having not yet been done, because I'm fairly sure there's some irritating rule that it must be sent off within a limited time once it's been signed and dated, and after 8 bloody months it must be past that. Argh.

On that note, I shall go and watch videos and revise. Stupid time of day for it, but I do keep falling asleep in the afternoon - I must stop that, it's getting damned ridiculous.

This post was brought to you by the CAPSLOCK O' RAGETM.

Um, um, I'm not more stressed and irritable because on less medication, am I? :s

argh, money

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