
Mar 27, 2006 12:07

Um, bizarre day starts here, I think.

I have just got up. It is terrible; I fully intended to go to bed early last night and get up early (well, by 9ish) today, and work. At about 9pm, I was tired and felt a little naff, and could have quite easily gone to sleep, I think; except that it was only 9pm and so I thought I'd better not. Going to bed too early, I thought, might lead to waking up around 11pm/midnight/1am and not being able to get back to sleep, which would kind of miss the whole point.

But I didn't go to bed early. I ended up learning some Russian online, and totally lost track of time, and also lost some of my sleepiness. I ended up going to bed at about half midnight, but after a while I got up again because I just couldn't sleep. So, I have done some maths notes writing, and then I came back to the computer, and I finally went to bed at about 3am. I was woken by my alarm at 8am, as I'd intended, but hit snooze and then turned it off all together. And that was it, until I was woken 2 or 3 minutes before noon.

And this is where the bizarre begins. I was woken by my phone, and answered it to find Amy asking for car help. Apparently I was the only person she could think to phoen, as her Dad's in a meeting, to ask whether, given that her car's coolant overheating liht has just come on, she would be safe to drive the 100m back home. And how does she fix it? Just top up the coolant? Because where does she get that? To which I said yes, probably; yes, probably, again; and there's probably some in her garage (because everyone's garage has coolant in, yes? for times like this?). And then realised maybe coolant comes in different types depending on what car you have, so said that. Then she asked if I was ok ... 'yes,' I said, 'but a bit asleep.' 'Oh no! Did I wake you up?!' 'Um, yes,' I admitted. 'I'm so sorry, it didn't even occur to me that you could be asleep!' Well, I can see why. I am rather irritated at myself for still being asleep at midday, oops.

And then, the weirdest bit, I suddenly feel like crying, and I have no idea why. It is scary.

Also, I have had weird, weird dreams. I was singing something in St. Oswald's choir, a setting of the Canticles or the Eucharist or something like that, in which there was a large solo part, which I was singing. Mr Gutteridge, my 6th form maths teacher, was directing the choir, which I only discovered when he turned up while I was trying to get dressed. Um, and that wasn't half as dodgy in the dream!

Anyway, the weirdest part was that apparently the ring (you know, The One Ring) wasn't destroyed, and in fact for some reason I was looking after it. And it was kind of too tight on one of my fingers, and I had to move it; but anyway. Sinead, a soprano in St. Oswald's choir, was being scarily intent on seeing the ring, in a Gollum-esque way, and for some reason everyone had one of those naff fake rings, but I couldn't pretend the real one was fake because they look completely different (which I know because I, um, Ihaveafakering. It looked better in the picture! And I was young(er), and silly(er)...), and then I happened to find another ring which looked very much like The One Ring, and so that was ok, so basically I was juggling three rings and had to sing this solo, which would make it all ok, because somehow the ring problem would all be sorted out by singing religious music at it. Oh, and Adam was involved (Good Omens Adam). Um. It was weird.

car, dreams, sleep

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