Torchwood: Miracle Day - finally over

Sep 16, 2011 23:54

Here are two reviews which will not only save you the pain of watching Torchwood: Miracle Day, but also make you laugh. My favourite quotes under the cut, because they're spoilery.

  • 'But to no one's surprise, Jack lived. How? Who cares-the writers certainly didn't.'
  • 'oh my god what was the real point of flashing back to the 1920s and spending an episode at Casa de Dead Italian Lover?'
  • 'Fact: No members of an super-secret underground organization would plot their save-the-world Pièce de résistance with a convicted murderer, child-rapist, and potential arch-enemy in the next room. But that's what happened on Torchwood.'
  • 'it exudes some kind of morphic field that helps regulate the human lifespan. Why this underground tentacle helps Homo Sapiens and not, say, Korean leaf-rolling weevils is unknown.'
  • 'the Blessing’s lengthy backstory as a friendly travelling psychic tentacle with a love of hanging around encased in rock for four billion years until eventually, in the last few geological seconds of its imprisonment, a race of sentient apes who needed their lifespans regulated appeared for it to communicate with'
  • 'As if acknowledging that Esther was about as interesting as a 4am Open University documentary about silicon, Rex (Team Buenos Aries) and Jack (Team Shanghai) barely hesitate before going ahead with ‘Operation Gross Bloodsplurge’.'

torchwood, quotes, humour

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