Time well-spent, in good company.

Aug 20, 2009 23:30

Things I have learnt today:

1. It is quite difficult to find out what the standard size of an interior flush door screw should be, or even if there is a standard size.

2. When feeling mildly nauseous anyway (due, I think, to the weather; travelsickness seems to be worse in such humid weather, to the point where I feel ill even if I haven't travelled), a swaying bell tower is not helpful.

Anyway. Earlier this week, I went up to the supposedly grim north to see the lovely hathy_col and loneraven, who was kind enough to lend me not just a floor to sleep on, but an actual bed.

I went up to Iona's on Monday, and we were shortly joined by Colleen, and we had ridiculous amounts of fun and chatted about such things as the inherent hilarity of condoms, and whether the possibility of interbreeding between humans and (certain) aliens in the Star Trek universe means that we are not distinct species.

That set the tone for the whole not-weekend, really; we had an awful lot of fun, discussed an awful lot of silly things, and were utter geeks to out hearts' content. We went to see the sixth Harry Potter, and it was good, and kept some of the wonderful humour that is always there in the series, and also had its moments of horror and darkness. Having watched the film, I rather want to reread the book, although I'm sure I'll be sad some bits didn't make the film. After dinner, we went back to Iona's and watched The Mind Robber. Rather shockingly, Iona hadn't seen any of the second Doctor (or Jamie, or Zoe) before. So clearly Zoe's shiny silver arse, Jamie's miniskirt, and the whole crackified feeling of the entire serial was the best introduction. *g* I do love that story; it is full of Jamie and Two's love and clinging, despite the fact that the Doctor forgets Jamie's face, omg. And bless him, he's too embarassed to admit it, and Zoe, when she finds out, is so unimpressed. *loves*

The next day, we had more Who-filled fun in the form of the Blackpool Doctor Who Exhibition, which was absolutely wonderful. So many costumes, and props, and aliens, and oh. So very, very good. I had a penny squashed and imprinted with a TARDIS, and certain people did not buy either Dalek Hayne's Manual t-shirts, or Time Lord with Headdress figures. *sigh* Afterwards, we wandered back to the car for a very British picnic - sandwiches and grapes and cookies in the car - before going back to the sea front. I wasn't expecting Blackpool to be pretty, but it was; the beach, at least. Very much so. We also saw the requisite many shops selling rock, and palmistry, and Iona would not let us visit a museum which promised to tell us 'the truth about the evolution of the universe and mankind, back up by maths, geometry and common sense!'

Colleen had to leave us when we got back, for work the next morning, but Iona and I watched most of Children of Earth, and then an episode of QI to cheer us up a little before we tried to go to sleep. The next morning was beautifully lazy, involving not getting up until noon (again), and I left in the afternoon having had an absolutely wonderful few days.

Blackpool is actually beautiful:

This is a Vervoid:

Here is another one:

What do you see in it? Having not seen a Vervoid before, I looked at it in bemusement and a little horror. 'It's a big...' I trailed off. 'A big cock,' Iona finished for me. 'Actually, I was going to say vagina,' I said, and Colleen agreed with me. I am sure there is something profound and psychologically revealing in the fact that we each saw genitalia, but different genders, but I do not know what it is. Anyway, we are all agreed that somewhere, in a nursing home probably, is a little old man who is still sniggering to himself over that design.

There are more photos here; it is time for bed.

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