Pwned, technology, pwned.

Jun 02, 2009 01:55

Woo, and indeed, HOO. I fixed my computer! At least, I fixed some bits. Some more bits are going to be awesome when the requisite parts arrive next week (or later this, hopefully).

And the graphics card... I'm thinking I just failed badly at that (due largely to the fact that my computer LIED TO ME and said it had one motherboard when in fact it had a different one), and should sell it on Amazon Marketplace or something, and buy one from the list of compatible graphics cards (which I would have found earlier if my computer hadn't LIED TO ME, are we sensing some bitter resentment here? Good).

My screen is clearer than it has been for WEEKS. Days. Just over a week. It's the right size! (Note for future: 75 Hz refresh rate is broken. Must use 60 Hz for 1400 by 900 resolution.)

*sigh* Technology is working. It's so great when that happens.


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