you say the world's a funny place; I say ain't that the truth

Aug 22, 2007 22:46

So. I was totally going to catch up on naarmamo today, yes; I was ABSOLUTELY going to be motivated and do things ... but it's late (ish) and I'm tired and I've done a sketch and a half and I'm going to bed. Any minute now.

But first, I have a few things to say. I don't remember what they are, but I'll try anyway.

(Here, btw, is the photo I'm halfway through sketching. Also, I love how naarmamo is so unjudgemental. I feel that people won't judge me too hard for failing at about the last 10 days of it. I, however, judge myself terribly because goodness, that's about a third of the whole damn thing. I had such hopes. Oops. But I am, gradually, catching up.)

So. Things. Hiro continues to be Awesome. I don't remember in what manner, but I remember that I loved him muchly again, because oh, so cute. Bless his little cotton socks.

Nicki is weird and apparently so is her husband and I want to know what their son can do. I'm hoping he turns out to be fairly great and lovely. He's rather cute, which makes up for his parents being frankly a bit dull. I hesitate to say this about Heroes, because none of the rest of it is dull. But Nicki etc. are.

I'm a bit bemused about what's generally going on, having missed the last episode through being in Wales and probably watching Firefly DVDs when Heroes was on. But still. I do like Heroes. And I like that, as it's an American series, it will go on for aages. Yay. *g*

Also, Sir Menzies Campbell was on the radio earlier commenting on a proposal to build the new fire services big coordinaty thing for the South West on a high risk flood plain in Gloucester. There was something surreal about the way the radio presenters were discussing it; struggling to maintain a proffesional interview and ask all the right questions, when really, they quite clearly wanted to shout 'it's a bloody stupid idea? What sort of clown came up with this?!' (Because really, high risk flood plain. Fire services for whole of south-west England. Not Clever.)

Right. I am knackered. My eyelids feel as though they're about to cling desperately to my eyeballs, so I guess it's time to give in and let them be together. Yes. Bonsoir.

naarmamo, art, idiot box, crazy, real world

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