Right, well. I shall attempt that coherance thing, then.
Macra! I think this is a reasonable statement on its own. I mean, macra, yes. Hee. I do like it when they put in old skool villains or references of any kind, it is fabbity indeed. I've not actually even seen The Macra Terror (and apparently won't, because it was BURNED, boo), but I'd heard of it, and oh, just a reference, oh.
Also references to Gallifrey. I liked that. It was a nice difference between the ninth Doctor and the tenth, I think, as well as the difference between Doctor/Rose interaction and Doctor/Martha. He talked about Gallifrey, and yes, he lied to Martha, and that, that was quite nice, really. To see him just lying just because it's easier to pretend it's all ok, to not have to explain yet again that his planet are all dead and gone, and he's alone, to not have to deal with her pity and all the emotional baggage of his situation. I liked that quite a lot. It was also lovely to hear about Gallifrey, for once (and his descriptions, although I've not seen the relevant old skool eps, were also apparently referential), and kind of melancholy and ironic that he spent all his time before the war running away from it, and yet here he is describing it so beautifully.
'You are not alone.' Ooh. Ooh ooh. I did sort of know this, admittedly, but I hadn't seen that being the Face of Boe's big secret, so that was still exciting. And Tennant's acting. Oh wow. That look of complete shock and sadness and all those emotions and oh, that was brilliant. I wanted to hug the Doctor again. Oh, poor lonely Doctor.
Martha. Oh, woah, slow down girl. I still love her - I identify with her possibly more than I've ever identified with a TV character before, and I love it. The way she reacts to things is so right; that she'll fight back at her kidnappers but becomes quasi-hysterical with fear at the approach of unknown drugs was particularly great this episode, because yeah, I would be terrified if someone was giving me drugs to do goodness knows what. Much better a physical threat that you can see and quantify and fight off than something chemical and mysterious and totally, totally unknown.
But still: Martha, dear, stop all the besotted unrequited love, please? It doesn't suit you. It's kind of a bit cringy. But not too much, you know, and that is also good. I think it's walking a fine line, with her presumption that the Doctor is not alone because of her, but so far it's not gone over that line. Not quite.
Um. What else? See, this is why I should go in some sort of vaguely logical order (chronological order is a good one, I hear), because then I might actually remember what happened. Um.
Cats! There were cats, and kittens, and aww. The Confidential afterwards made a big thing of how long they'd worked to get that kitten to say 'mama', and I have to admit, I didn't even notice that until they pointed it out. But hey, once it had been pointed out, it was a nice touch.
'He's insane.' 'And a bit magnificent.' Oh yeah. *g*
Lots and lots of jumping around cars, too. That just amused me for the sheer fact that David Tennant must have spent hours jumping down from the same car set in slightly different ways, over and over again. Heh.
I'd really quite like to see that guy in the bowler hat again. He was a bit Jeeves-y, and great, and if anyone were doing a poll of favourite guest characters, he would get my vote just now. Manners, and water, and hee.
I am a bit dubious of their killing off of the above world. Firstly, a chemical that mutates into a virus? What? And killing the world in seven minutes. Even if they meant just the city, I would be a bit surprised if a virus, or chemical, or whatever can spread that quickly, because surely you'd need some pretty fast air currents for that, hmm? If they'd just left out the 'seven minutes, omg,' I'd have been a lot happier.
Oh, and the end! Martha, and the sitting down and making him talk to her. Yes. Yes yes yes. You go, girl. :)
One final thought: the Macra. Are just left in New New York? Yet again the Doctor leaves without cleaning up? Hmm.
In other news, I have been seized again by the desire to see things and do things, and thus am trying to find out what is on in Newcastle after I've finished my exams. Apparently nothing. Well, you know, not quite nothing; but nothing I particularly want to see. I'd go and see something in London, but I'm not pantsing about London by myself, and I don't know who I'd get to come with me. I quite wanted to see the RSC - apart from anything else, in Newcastle they have a 16-25 deal where you get tickets for £5 - but they actually aren't doing anything from the end of my exams 'til about the end of June. Huh.
...I am full of flighty ideas at the moment that don't last. Try not to hold it against me, yeah?
Finally, please to be advising me on punctuation? When I quote things, and then punctuate, what happens to the punctuation? I'm fairly sure I was always taught that it should go inside the quotation marks, but sometimes that just looks so wrong:just left out the 'seven minutes, omg,' I'd have been
or:just left out the 'seven minutes, omg', I'd have been
or what?
ETA: Newcastle are pants. (Is pants, whatever. Why do I think it's plural?) They have nothing interesting. The best thing was Guys and Dolls, which I wouldn't have minded seeing, but that turned out to be Newcastle, Australia. Pants at you, Oz. Birmingham, which was a kind of last resort, are even more rubbish. They're showing 'Brum', for goodness' sake, but not any decent Shakespeare or any musicals that I want to see and waaah. *sad face*