Well. That, actually, was not bad.
Can Noel Clarke write more? Please? 'Cos that, actually, was watchable. I mean, I still hate most of the characters. Gwen, it now appears, is a psychopathic nutter who sees no problem with drugging her boyfriend. Yeah. Ask for forgiveness, I'm sure it will do your relationship good to get it out in the open, given that he won't remember a thing. So, you know, from his point of view, all the problems are still there just the same. But whatever.
Owen = terrifying vile bastard, yes. But we knew that already. And I actually hoped he was doing some cool thing in the cage, that since he'd worked closely with this Weevil, he would use Teh Powerz of Hiz Mind or summat, and would not be attacked. Possibly that was what happened at the end, back in the hub? 'Cos otherwise I can't see the point of that bit.
Tosh did useful stuff! This will make many people very happy, I'm sure. I quite liked all the website set-up and asnwering the phone and such, it were quite good, yep.
Ianto did nothing but lok pretty, sadly. And Jack was kind of ... I don't remember much of what he did, so I'm guessing it wasn't too gripping. And finally, well done people for making me hate yet another member of the cast. Yes. I used to like Rhys, dammit. He was about the only one I actually felt anything for other than vague disinterest. But really, a guy who screams at his girlfriend to 'sit the fuck down!' - no matter what he's been putting up with from Gwen (bloody little cheating nuisance), that's not on, really.
Next week's looks interesting - the flash of 'Captain Jack Harkness' was very brief, but am I right in thinking that it wasn't John Barrowman? In which case, verily I am intrigued. Forsooth. So, presumably Jack stole the name, then. Hmm.
Today I have been and bought a birthday present for Heather, and the Shakespeare Magnetic Poetry kit for myself. Oh dear. I need to stop this spending thing, yes. But it amuses me so.
Also, I took sister to the cinema to see Eragon.
It was really quite awful, to be honest. I don't think it's a real film. It's crackfic. All the bits with the boy and his dragon and the older guy (Jeremy Irons) were so cringingly cliquey and actually a bit emo, sort of. The old guy died, but I maintain he wasn't injured, just dead drunk. It was the way he mumbled 'yes, go to the Varden' that gave it away. And then they buried him, and probably later he woke up with a terrible hangover and couldn't get out from until the burial mound because the dragon had melted the stones into diamond with the power of it's emo.
There was a lot of emo power, actually. The boy's dragon nearly died, and he tried magic emo lights to save it. Which worked, although there was a moment where this guy who'd saved his life tried to pretend it was dead. For a joke. 'Cos joking about death is so funny.
Basically, there was a dragon and some men and a pretty lady and some people died, but I didn't really care because the whole thing was just written like bad fanfic. Actually, I'm calling it crackfic and really it wasn't funny enough for that. It was just bad. It was all clichés and secret magic of dragonriders (that the lead character omg discovered by instinct while others have to train for years to discover it) and telepathic bonding between dragons and riders (which works in Anne McCaffery, but not really here).
I was convinced for most of the film that the pretty lady was the boy's mother (he had been abandoned, and did some angsting about this), but it that is so then WOAH BACK OFF LADDIE. Inappropriate feelings for mother. Possibly I'm just WRONG and she was the love interest. Apparently she was an elf. Shows how much attention I was paying.
ALSO. Cunning how the author, having written a book about a DRAGON, couldn't think of a name for his lead character, so decided to name him Dragon but just move the first letter one along in the alphabet: Eragon. Yes. I could do that. I shall write a book about a cat, and, er, a cat-rider, and he shall be named 'Dat'.
I have been reading more books again. I don't remember having learnt anything today though. Probably that's a very bad thing. Ah well.