Aug 21, 2013 17:13
After having got my driving license, my main routes for driving were various garden centers:) I think I've visited all garden centers in 10 km distance (at least 5 big centers:) )
4 days of intensive work in the garden, which included bringing new soil, buying and planting new flowers and new plants, laying grass gazon ..
all is done and now we just miss a green hedge (which will be available only in october) and one more tree which is required for a symmetry ..
It became really beautiful now:)
Thus I was very proud of myself for the work done:)
and I was eager to meet my husband at airport (all these days he was on business-trip to India) and not only to make him to experience my driving (when I had my driving exam and got my license he was in India..) but also to show him a garden:)
Well, he was impressed:)
And I finally afforded myself to fall down with my back. 4 days of intensive garden work kinda killed my back, so that Monday I was not able to move even in bed and on Tuesday my husband had to look for a doctor who could come home and give a prescription for Voltaren (remember, that in the Netherlands ambulance will come to your house only in a very extreme situation. Here, even if your leg is broken, you'll come yourself to a hospital).
Still, the pain and immobility were worth of this and I don't regret of spending so much time and efforts on the garden:)
And anyway, today I already can walk and enjoy results of my work:)