Nov 09, 2005 14:09
Ok. Well, some may not think this is cool, but it shows me he is growing up fairly well rounded...or just that he is growing up.
My son is always downloading music on my computer. Mostly punk, rap and such. Gorillaz, Eminem, the Addicts...but I love it when he gets jazzed about other music.
He has actually been into Johnny Cash ever since he heard/saw the HURT video on MTV a year ago and it made him cry.
He came to me last night, after seeing the preview for the new Johnny Cash movie, and asked if he could download some Johnny Cash. His buddy called and he was telling him: "Dude, Johnny Cash is hard core. He's bad ass fool."
I'm proud that my son's musical tastes are so varied. He's opened my ears to some good stuff too.
that's my boy *twang*
oh...and JC just happens to be my sons initials as well :~p