I'm going to try and tackle my bane of vidding, a slow (instrumental) song...
There's a contest on YT called Words of Music, and you can only use an instrumental song and absolutely no voice-overs. So, instead of choosing a fast, beat-tastic, techno-y song that I've done well vidding in the past, i chose a (some-what) quiet and slow song, it's from the Battle Los Angeles sound track, by Brian Tyler, cause I love his music so much!
I can not for the life of me make an interesting vid with a slow song and no overreaching beat, it just doesn't turn out, so how well this vid will go remains to be seen...
The show I decided to vid is Band of Brothers.
Here's the coloring, didn't change much and you can only really tell in the darker scenes.
Damian Lewis and Kirk Acevedo's smiles give me encouragement though!