
Jul 01, 2008 01:20

Walking into the Grill tonight - "Where's Anthony and Matt?" - "Oh, Anthony's moving to Phoenix so they're going to stop doing the record thing on Monday nights. Maybe weekends though." - "Don't suppose you need a replacement? I could come in, have plenty of records and some turntables." - "Definitely, we need someone to come in." Maybe I could start in August, she says.

So, hopefully by the beginning of next semester, if all goes well, I'll be DJ-ing solo at the Red Room Monday nights, I'll be working at Toxic Ranch Records and maybe a book store, driving my '61 Volvo PV and riding my Peugeot to Epic to write, getting rid of gen eds, coming home to my studio to record more of that album, and exploring with my camera in my Vanagon on the weekends around Arizona.

And with that experience, living in San Francisco doing the same within a few years.

How invigorating!

Are things finally coming together for our protagonist?
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