(no subject)

Aug 30, 2006 12:34

I went to the dermatologist yesterday for a bump I have had on my face for over a month. At first I thought it was a pimple and tried to pop it with no success (it showed up the week before my 10 year HS reunion). Well derms I have been to in the past really spend about a whole 3 minutes with you-and this was the case again.
First the resident doc came in and looked at it-then the derm came in. They both think it is basal cell carcinoma (the less scary of skin cancers). Which if you saw me-the pale blonde who wears sunscreen and gets made fun of for being so white-you would be as amazed as I was. Though I know fair skin and my immune problems with Lupus make me more at risk (or so I have read).
Well the derm (spending so little time with me) failed to see on the chart that I am pregnant. He gives me a steroid sample and an antibiotic cream to use for two weeks and come back if it does not go away. I figured he knew I was preg and would not give me anything harmful...
This steroid cream (which I looked up after I got home) is a class c drug and not recommeded in preg unless an emergency really it seems. I don't care how this bump looks-I just want a healthy baby and a healthy mommy to take care of the baby. When I got home and did some reading I called the office and talked to the very nice nurse practicioner-she told me not to use it and she is suppose to talk to him and call me tomorrow to see what we should do.
People keep telling me you can let basal cell go for a long time and it will be fine-does anyone know if this is true? I had a woman at work tell me she let a spot on her face go for 5 years!
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