Sep 09, 2009 12:06
Vocabulary Words.
Chapter One and Two.
Me, pronoun, me, myself.
Quid, pronoun, what (quid pro quo)
Nihil, noun, nothing (nihilism, annihilate)
Non, adverb, not
Saepe, adverb, often
Si, conjunction, if
Amo, amare, amavi, amatum, to love, like
Amabo te, idiom, please (lit., I will love you, amatory, Amanda)
Cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum, to think, to ponder, consider, plan (cogitate)
Debeo, debere, debui, debitum, to owe; ought, must, (debt, debit, due, duty)
Do, dare, dedi, datum, to give, offer (date, data)
Erro, errare, erravi, erratum, to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken (erratic, errant, erroneous, error, aberration)
Laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum, to praise (laud, laudable, laudatory)
Moneo, monere, monui, monitum, to remind, advise, warn (admonish, admonition, monitor, monument, monster, premonition)
Salveo, salvere, to be well, be in good health
Salve, salvete, hello, greetings (salvation, salver, salvage)
Servo, servare, servavi, servatum, to preserve, save, keep, guard (observe, preserve, reserve, reservoir)
Conservo, conservare, conservatum, (con-servo), a stronger form of servoi, to preserve, conserve, maintain (conservative, conservation)
Terreo, terrere, terrui, territum, to frighten, terrify (terrible, terrific, terrify, terror, terrorist, deter)
Valeo, valere, valui, valiturum, to be strong, have power; be well; vale (valete), good-bye, farewell (valid, invalidate, prevail, prevalent, valedictory)
Video, videre, vidi, visum, to see; observe, understand (provide, evident, view, review, revise, revision, television)
Voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum, to call, summon (vocation, advocate, vocabulary, convoke, evoke, invoke, provoke, revoke)
Fama, famae, rumor, report; fame, reputation (famous, defame, infamy)
Forma, formae, form, shape; beauty (formal, format, formula, formless, deform, inform, ect.; but not formic, or formidable)
Fortuna, fortunae, fortune, luck (fortunate, unfortunate)
Ira, irae, ire, anger (irate, irascible, but not irritate)
Nauta, nautae, sailor (nautical)
Patria, patriae, fatherland, native land, (one’s) country (expatriate, repatriate)
Pecunia, pecuniae, money (pecuniary, impecunious; cp. Peculation)
Philosophia, philosophiae, love of wisdom (philosophy)
Poena, poenae, penalty, punishment;
poenas dare, idiom, to pay the penalty (penal, penalize, penalty, pain, subpoena)
Poeta, poetae, poet (poetry)
Porta, portae, gate, entrance (portal, portico, porch, porthole)
Puella, puellae, girl
Rosa, rosae, rose (rosary, roseate, rosette)
Sentential, snetentiae, feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence (sententious, sentencing)
Vita, vitae, life; mode of life (vital, vitals, vitality, vitamin, vitalize, devitalize, revitalize)
Antiqua, antiquae, ancient, old-time (antique, antiquities, antiquated, antiquarian)
Magna, magnae, large, great; important (magnify, magnificent, magnate, magnitude, magnanimous)
Mea, meae, much, many (multitude, multiply, multiple, multi-, a prefix as in multimillionaire)
Tua, tuae,I your, used when speaking to only one person
Et, conjunction, and; even
Et … et, both … and
Sed, conjunction but
O, interjection, O! Oh!, commonly used with the vocative
Sine, preposition + abl., without (sinecure, sans)
Est, is