Oct 26, 2004 09:03
ok so im deciding to update again becuase im bored.. so anywhi, ive been hanging out with this guy at my work alot, his name is tony, he goes to LU and hes an awesome guy, i went to his dorm the other day and played halo with him and his friends, their pretty cool afterwards they invited me to a songs of solumum(sp)confrence which i have to say was very interesting, ive been beilieving i am an athiest but after hanging out with these guys makes me question that.... tony says i have to go to LU next year or hell shoot me, and its defiantly an awesome school... i enjoy they atmosphere and all the people are friendly, its like their just looking for new people to be friends with... so im defiantly considering goin there next year, plus tony says i have no choice, but he wont be paying for it now will he!!! i applied for a scholarship the other day when i went out with tony...hopefully ill get it my last report card i got all a's and b's and im really trying to bring my GPA up so i can get into a good college... if i do go to LU tony says he wants me to get a dorm with him and adam... that way we can stay up all night playing halo 2 when it comes out next month...muahahaha... ok enough about LU back to school... so everyone is in the other room (in the kitchen) making pumpkin cookies.. angel isnt here today =( shes at a funeral or something, thats what she told me.. i was looking forward to throwing crumbs at her again today.. oh well ::shrugs:: ok anywho well i must run, 1st period is almost over ok well later days