I'm taking the GRE today...so scary
But WAY more important than that, is this story:
Yesterday at work I was wheeling around in the wheely chair eating a cookie (I'm very important) and I hit this giant footprint hole in our floor. I knew I was gonna fall over so it happened really S L O W L Y. I started laughing and our manager Nora said, "Ahh...no one saw you so its ok!"
The hole exists directly UNDER this bike
BUT then I said, "In fact, THAT Elotes man saw me!" And lo and behold there was a good old elotes vendor passing our shop door, SAW me fall, and then stopped to laugh at me and let me know that he saw me. I would have gotten away with it if it werent for that damned elotes man! So now I think we have to have a prank war that involves me sabotaging the wheels on his cart or something.
In other news. Our street art gallery show blahblah opening is this Friday evening at Stubbs. Lots of neat people are in it and if you are around you should come. We have to figure out how to hang my bird skull piece because it is so funny shaped.
I've been told I have to open up, or "let the love in" lately..and really I don't know what that even means. People tell me they love me and I don't know how to love them back or whatever. I'm a secret agent robot, what am I supposed to do?
Love em, leave em, and then drink till you can't feel emoticons.
lastly, Dave- I can't wait for the Dunes! Keep me posted on the dates and whatnot and we can figure out hotel reservations. :)