My God, I haven't posted since JANUARY?!

May 15, 2014 21:26

Well then, time to fix that methinks.

One has to note, however, how much the internet landscape has changed over the years. I began this journal back in . . . oh . . . 2003 or so, back when online journaling was cool and everyone had either a Livejournal or a Deadjournal account. MySpace was just taking off as the new-improved form of social media, and Facebook was probably only a twinkle in someone's eye.

My God - I'm OLD.

Thankfully, I don't have anything anywhere on the Internet that I need to worry about - my psychology training kept me from being too forthcoming on a medium that anyone can get into if they want to badly enough. Hmmm. This could lead into a rant, but I don't think my first post in 4 months should be a rant.

On a happy note, I go on vacation in 2 weeks, yey! Not that I'm going much of anywhere, lol, but it will be nice since I haven't had a week off since last Thanksgiving. Memorial Day weekend I will be heading out for Grand Haven for a graduation, and I may spend a day in Grand Rapids, and then come home. I will have a day of doctor's appointments, blah, and then one or two of the days will be spent going to Ohio with my mom to go to the Toledo Zoo and to see my aunt and uncle. Relatively relaxing vacation when you see it in print like that o.O Though it will follow the rules of any vacation and go by much to quickly for my sense of mind, that's for sure.

Oh, as a note to my weirdness, I've already started Christmas shopping. That's what happens when stores that have cool stuff have SALES. Dangerous stuff man. I have 3 people completely done, and another 3 people started. I have admitted my dorkiness, oh noes!

Hmmm . . . there's nothing really to report, to be honest. So with that, I shall be off! *bows* Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

family, christmas, relatives, life, vacations, weird

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