Jul 12, 2006 23:15
rukia. Rukuia. i got somethin to tell you. i"M" not sure if uyo know it or not but okay here it goes.
kurosakis a pussy. okay there, you got taht?// he" S a fucking pussy you hsouldnt' be with him. there's lotsather guys ouththere you could have bettre than him. like me. why'ede you go oout with him/ I"Nd be better alot.whyy wih him if im herE?
fuck okay its almost then. its allmost oCtobeeeer, is'nt it?? kira isit almost odctober. shit i hate october i. alawys get busetd FUKC YOU AOIBA IT WAS YOURS HIT NOT MINE. FUKC YOU IFI EVER FIDN YOU I"m GONNA FUCKIN KILL LLYOU. YOU SHIT YORU WHY IIIIIII'M HERE .
anld you fudkcning assholess. keep sayign shit and i'lll bust your heeeeeads in. fuckiYOU your nto better then em. shijt fuck stop coming to wokr. i'lll kill yOU TOO. FUCKUFCK
gonoa ggggggo get morrrrre tattos tomrrow. gottta finish em. cant juts leave hem like htis. gonn na get fucking sick from th eneeidles. fujck yuo to mank
gukc whhnered the bahtroom og