These were among the first things I tatted back in the winter of 2006/2007. I was quite unhappy with how they turned out, but threw them into a bag and kept them around anyway. When I was trying to figure out how to starch things, I was very glad I had! I dug them out of the bag, untangled the mangled wads, and used them as guinea pigs.
I know I finished the tatting years ago, but I'm counting these towards 2009 because I finally overcame my fear of starching! And there's no way I'm going to complete 52 crafts this year, anyway....

(You can click on the pic for a larger view.)
Cross-posted to
52_crafts and my journal.
Many thanks for all the
starching advice! The best is yet to come, but I can't post pictures until the person I made it for receives it. :-)