Nov 08, 2005 10:05
phydleena and clairepea (I don't know how to link to their LJs) are throwing a shower for the TatterTot on November 19th. If you would like to join HugeM and TheKorean in celebrating our role in experimenting with genetic diversity, please let us, phydleena, and/or clairepea know that you've been left out of the e-vite. I will activily boycott any slap-happy shower games, but am prepared to party with a diaper on my head.
In mention of the TatterTot, I would like to take this opportunity to make a small announcement. This past season at MRF was the climax of my alter-ego, the Slant-Eye-Christ. It was fun to put my yellowness on display for all to love and hate all in the name of fun, but once the TatterTot comes out of gestation, things are going to change.
Since the kid won't be able to understand why people are making fun of daddy because he looks different (read, more handsome and genetically superior) to them, I will not be able to react positively or even passively if anyone makes any racial remarks towards me in public. I may still be referred as TheKorean at fest, but will prefer to be addressed as Pander.
Vilification Tennis will be the one and only PC-free fighting-words approved zone for now. Don't be afraid, my euro-mutt friends, there's still some time to get your jabs in, and all gloves will be off once our kid is old enough to understand and appreciate sarcasm and layered humor. Until then, we'll just have to veil our racism with a twinkle in our respectively slanted/round eyes.