meadowood , do you think it's possible I am immersing into my workouts to tune out the rest of the world?
Right now, I'm just going with it.
I've had the crappiest morning ever. Kids in shambles this morning getting off to school. My routine has been all shot to hell. I love discovering right before school that things weren't finished, need to be signed, etc. My own fault for not hovering, I suppose. Kids hair that wasn't combed and insisting that yes, even though we are running late, you still have to brush your teeth. I return back home to bad news from husband and said news will require my attention, but NOT UNTIL AFTER I GO ON MY BIKE RIDE. I'm not forgoing my ride for anything. I am so looking forward to being out there, that I am slightly worried. I am way past being concerned that the laundry doesn't get done or the floor needs to be swept. But this is an actual situation that needs my attention. I am really set on not dealing with it until this afternoon because of the bike ride and am only justified in that because the situation is 3 hours behind me in time zones. (or is it 2 now?) It's almost as though I really need the mind clearing properties of a bike ride. Some people get that way about a run. I DO NOT. Swimming or riding will do it, though.
I'm off to get my bike clothes on. I'd also rather buy new bike stuff than anything else. Who needs jewelry, purses or anything you could buy at the mall when there are summer cycle clothes, new tires, new wetsuit and race entries beckoning me and my credit card?