Feb 09, 2008 21:22
Ok, so I finally went to my LJ manage friends page...
I really don't keep track of such things.
But I was really surprised to see that I was not a friend of someone who I comment to quite frequently. I mean we are not talking once a month. I probably comment on their LJ each week. So if they don't have me listed as a friend, then they are not reading anything I post. Do they think I am some type of stalker? I just assumed (he he) that because I comment so much that they were a friend. I think this person knows who I am. Oh well... already ran into the ground why one may be an LJ friend or not. I, I am just surprised that at some point, I was unfriended and didn't know it. I am of the mindset, that if someone doesn't have me listed as a friend, then they don't read my posts and really don't know me. So, I "managed" my list so that it only contains mutual friends. Except for that one person that surprised me...
Ok, question. . . is there a way to see if someone has you listed as a friend, but you don't have them as a friend?