Aug 02, 2006 08:27
I survived the weekend with the girls. It was a sweltering 110 degrees and we had no power for a good part of Saturday. But I survived. The conversations were great and I was the designated DJ so I got to peruse everyone's music. We listened to everything from U2 to ABBA to Neil Diamond to the PussyCat Dolls. It was great.
But I have to tell you, those scrapbooking women are MANIACS!!! They literally broke open their scrap stuff as soon as we unpacked. I was one of the first to go to bed at 2:00 on Friday night and when I woke up and tried to find my way to the coffee maker, there were a couple gals at the table scrapping... did they even go to bed???? It was hot and stuffy. I really needed a break from the art journal I was working on. I really can't art for hours on end... I wanted to go down to the lake for a swim - and no one else wanted to go!!! They didn't want to miss a minute of scrap time. That's when I thought I was having a little panic attack. It was only Saturday morning and already I needed to get out... Remember: I've never been locked away... I mean on a "girls trip" ever. Then one of the women said she'd go with me. Bless her. She knew I wanted to get a lake swim in to prep for the triathlon. Three of us ended up going and I'm so glad. We were supposed to go into town for dinner that night too, but we ended up just eating leftovers from the night before. They could have spent 72 hours straight at the table working. Only getting up to fill margarita or wine glasses.
But in the end, I feel like I know them much better. The trip was a big success as I didn't feel like I needed to claw someone's eyes out by the end of the weekend.
The gal with the cabin asked a couple of us if we wanted to come back with the kids later on in the week...