Dec 28, 2006 03:16
So, instead of complaining or posting pointless sentences about dumb movies or even dumber tonsils (which are currently being aided by antibiotics, penicillin is the greatest mold to ever live) how's about an actual update? Or at least I'll type until I get bored with it. In order to postpone the aforementioned boredom, I think I'll do away with transitions. They vex me.
Anyway, I've been ridiculously sick for the last few days, in the form of staying in bed, not eating, feeling awful, and generally being no fun at all. I did manage to crawl out of my room for an hour and a half of christmas. I hate the whole listing-what-I-got-so-everyone-else-can-wish-they-were-me thing, but I was very pleased, especially since I didn't tell anyone what I wanted. They are very clever little buggers, my family.
Proceeding from sickfest (I promise this is the last time I will harp on this, but it is ridiculous how much of an effect your tonsils have on you! Since they weren't filtering anything during this sick nonsense, all of the bacteria that infected them ran rampant all over my body. My ears were messed up, because Eustachian{iusedtoknowhowtospellthat} tubes are stupid, and my whole body got all achy and horrible. It was not fun. Believe me, you are very glad that you did not see me for the few hours I could manage to be out of bed. I was pitiful and no fun. I'm quite glad that's over.) in backwards order, because I seem to have started with sickfest.
-I had a really good time at Katie's when everyone else was having a really good time. I'm ruled by mob mentality like that. Plus, my friends light up my life. Low point of party ---> WHY IS THE RUM GONE? Well, it's gone for the worst possible reason that could possibly be imagined. It'll make you cry. I think Sharon almost did.
-I hung out with Jack a lot, because that's what I do. Except when he's stuck at the farm and online and therefore disconnected from the world, especially after my stint in disconnectedism. We're dumb like that. Hanging out with Jack is a fairly constant thing that has occured on and off again since he got home. Typing it up to coincide with the number of times that I did it would be silly.
-Saw Blood Diamond (again) with Sharon and the boys. Still scarring, still resulting in me feeling bad as a person for not...I don't even know, but that movie makes me feel inadequate. Said inadequacy/guilt will probably result in me sending some money to Darfur or donating to AIDS research or something. Africa is out of hand.
-Went to the basketball game. Didn't really watch, but was enthusiastic about the bassist in the pep band for a few minutes, which is more than I can say about anything else in that game. We won, by like 40 points. Then I saw a bunch of other people from my graduating class, which was really fun. Cam asked if I'd been shot at yet. He's *adjective that means interesting but implies annoying and dumb*.
-Went the Quaker Steak (?) and saw the kids again, which was wonderful.
-I had an excellent time at Jamie's, which solidified my faith in my ability to have an excellent time at Katie's, which I did (as previously mentioned). Seeing everybody was one of the best experiences of my break. Absolutely fantastic.
-Sophia left.
-Sophia was here, which was excellent, because no one else was. We didn't do much, because there isn't a whole lot to do in Charleston, but a good time was had nonetheless. Plus, we needed to recuperate from Autumn Quarter, which was, as all my future quarters look to be, brutal.
-Sophia and I went to Morgantown so she could at least meet some of my friends (Jamie, Josh, and Sharon) it was fun, would have been more fun if I wasn't the driver for the first two-thirds of the night. Still, I love her and I love them, so it was really good for them to all meet her and vice versa.
-Finals sucked ass. Like horrible hairy old man ass. Honestly, they was so bad that it would be really good for us to never ever speak of them again. Ever.
And that's a lot of my life summed up. I doubt you'll read it, but kudos (I guess) if you do. Actually, if you just read all of that nonsense, you need to go find a decent book or something. I'm disappointed in you.
I'll see you for my next real update in four months or so. Until then, enjoy my nonsensical one sentence posts. Happy *winter holiday of your choice*