I just wanted to update super quickly to say that I am in LA FRANCE! I've been here since Sunday, we've been having our orientation in Paris and today (in fact,w ithin moments) we are taking the train to Toulouse where we will be picked up by our host families! GAH! My "host family" is a woman named Clementine who lives alone with her two cats! Ha
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Actually, at htis moment I am sitting in Clémentine's kitchen. She's letting me use her copmuter, which is sooo nice! She has wireless in the house! But for some reason my silly computer won't hook up. Anyway! It's so lovely she's cutting vegetables and one of hte cats (Borris) is sleeping on the table near me.
Ha! I love that you use work time for correspondance! I think it's an excellent idea. Especially if you do'nthave enough work to fill the time. My sister says the same thing about her new job. She's working at this big company in New York that organizes conferences for lawyers? I think? I don't even quite understand what she does but I know she works in the publishing department, and they publish manuscripts for law conferences. aNway, she also has extra time I think. She loves that show The Office, have you ever seen it? THere's a British version and an American version. I've only seen one episode of the British, and a lot more of theAmerican but they're boht SO FUNNY. You must try and get your hands on it, but I'm sure you've heard of it at that English bookstore/media place you go to. I think anyone who works in that office environment can especially identify with it.
I must send you apostcard! Email me your address one more time? I have it in like, a million places, but just in case I can't find it fast enough. And I SWEAR that one of these days I will update. Everything's been so busy!
Oh my god, I am so overwhelmed by that Harry Potter news!I just can't believe it. That is going to be so much Harry Poter within a week! I don't know if I can handle it! I'm sort of sad that she isn't waiting another year, becuase after this one, that's it! This is our last summer for a new Harry Potter! I sort of wanted to stretch it out, but on the other hand this might be hte lsat summer that I'm home and it will be a sor tof nice close to all my summers reading Harry Potter at home. Sort of like the ribbon on the box of my childhood or something. Wow, I'm tire,d don't think that analogy worked at ALL!
But wow. EXCITING! and you only have one semester left? How do you feel about it? Are you ready to be done? Could you possibly get your msatersabroad? ANyway, that's cool. I will be in Europe until the very beginning of July, I fly home July 1st, and then I'll be home for July and August, because it's so much cheaper to live at home. SO I will be in ROchestre for HP 7 which I'm really happy about. And Erica will be here this summer too. So that's going to be really fun. Hopefully I can get a job the same placewehre she works now, which is a little coffeeshop right near my house.
Anyway! I better go!! BUt PROMISE wlil update soon!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!! Have so much fun in Norway! I cna't believe wer are once again on hte same land mass! WHOO!
I'm off to norway in an couple of hours, hope there are no traffic jams on the way and i won't have to wait anywhere long (have to change in amsterdam, booo - will be like a day trip), but I promised myself I'd write to you before I go. I just hoped I'd have time for something longer than a comment, but it's been so stressful with this trip that I just failed to answer emails in time. I'm awful, but I want to send you a beutiful card from norway - so give me your address in your beautiful french city:)!
GAHHHH please write a responce to each song, please. that would just make my day. I've stumbled upon your email about Darts of Pleasure mix and read your thoughts about all the songs on it and I was grinning for hours. that's so great to realise you enjoy the mixes I made! But only if yoiu've got time - I understand you have so much to do while you're in toulouse! I've read your entry with pictures - and yes - I know what you mean, you never want to write when something truly exciting's going on. It's been like that to me in Germany. Looking back I wish I had written lots of entries though, but nah, at least I've got pictures!
I really want to watch the Office. I've heard so much about it! And I'm also sure I'll be able to identify with the office environment. In fact, have you watched Office Space? Jennifer Anniston is in it and it's pretty old but hilarious about offices, rat race and staples! It's really, really funny, watch it if you ever get a chance!
You're so lucky to eat all that fantastic food. Please write about it as well, I love your description in that last entry. The French really know their food, don't they? :)
Yes! please I want a postcard, just a tiny one but from FRANCE and you:)
my addy is
Julia Yatsenko
Shovkovichna 16, a.22
And I also always lose addresses, I tried to star them in my gmail mailbox but somehow I always lose them anyway!
Ohh harry potter, I know. I was such a different person when I read the first book. It seems like a lifetime ago. And I don't want it to end. But at the same time I want to know how the story ends. So I'm just torn, I suppose, still- I'm really excited either way!
I liked the ribbon on the box of childhood analogy! It's great, that's exactly how it is!
I have to go now, the plane won't wait, but I'll try to update and write from there. I'm sure soemwherte there'll be internet!
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