Apr 10, 2006 01:41
so, last monday night Jean and I desperately needed a cheering movie to take our mind off the shittiness of reality. This meant a movie with absolutely NOTHING sad occurring at all, and a movie that was funny, but not a crappy film. We didn't think we could manage to suffer through a mediocre romantic comedy, we wanted something genuinely good, something that would actually entertain us, something... spirit lifting.
This proved a difficult movie to find. Especially as we arrived at Fred's only moments before they were scheduled to close. We dashed back and forth between the Comedy section and Classics, and New Releases, and just nothing was catching our fancy. We couldn't find a single thing and meanwhile our time was running out. Finally, when we had about a minute to go (that other guy who's not Fred was about to close out the register) I was like, 'Wait! We forgot about Fred's Picks!! That's where all the quality movies are! OF COURSE! That's why the shelves look like they've been stripped!"
In Fred's Picks we found a myriad of quality films, however, we had to choose one immediately, and there I saw it. Back to the Future I,II, and III all in a boxed DVD set. I seized it and Jean was like 'oh come on, you know that's going to cost three times as much!' I turned frantically to the-man-who-wasn't-Fred and he politely informed me that no, indeed, the deluxe back to the future collectors edition was going for the meager price of $3.16, same as all the other DVDs. Jean and I were floored. Too good of a deal to be true! It was a STEAL. The-man-who-wasn't-Fred cheerily agreed. In fact, he went on to inform us (he may not be Fred, but leave it up to Fred to have only *top notch* employees) that Fred knew how important the back to the future films were to kids, and he was willing to sacrifice his humble earnings, so that kids could see these movies at an affordable price. Such a noble cause! A hero among adolescents! ANd among 19 year olds, because the reason I was so excited to get these movies was that I had never seen them!
I know, a child of the 80s and I've never seen a single back to the future film. I mean, I've seen piecesof them on TV, but I knew, the time had come for to view them all. I've been meaning to ever since Jonathan and Pat and co. made the Brokeback trailer. Jean had only ever seen the first one, so she was excited to see the next two.
Well we went straight home (actually, that's a lie, we went to rosalie's room with yenna and then to the c-store with them both to get ice cream and then backto my room) anyway, we eventually got around to watching them at around eleven oclock. And within moments of this movie starting, I sensed this was quality. And I'd completely forgotten how HOT Michael J. Fox is! There's something about his incredible smallness, and his clumsiness mingled with suaveness and his ultimate 80's-ness that is just so cute. I mean, it doesn't make sense that he's sexy at all, but somehow, inexplicably, he is! The wierd thing is I remember having a crush on Michael J. Fox sort of, but I know I never watched Family Ties, or Spin City really, so it's all a great mystery. I guess he's just that famous that I knew him, without ever watching a lot of his movies. I remember him announcing he had to leave Spin City because of his Parkinson's.
anyway, we were sucked right into this movie. SO good. Watching movies with Jean is just ridiculously entertaining. We get so involved in the film. I don't really know how to explain it, but especially since BttF (I'm sorry it is just TOO MUCH to type every time) really puts you on the edge of your seat, we were like jumping around every time Marty McFly got himself out of a particularly tight scrape (which is like every five mintues). I mean, the thiing I enjoyed so much is that so often in those movies, everything that can go wrong, DOES. they always make it at the very last, of last seconds so you are SO nervous and twisted up and frantic until they get that Delorean through the space-time continuum, or whatever. GAH. such quality entertainment. I don't even know. such a tight script, everything finished up so neatly in the end. and I mean, come on, who doesn't love a movie about time travel? it's so great to tie your mind in knots like that, trying to figure out how there could be two Docs coexising in the same time frame and what it would mean if they changed what when.
basically I could talk about this movie FOREVER, I had so much fun with hit. Marty McFly's utter coolness jsut blew me away. His VEST and his purple calvin klein underwear and his SKATEBOARDING SKILLS. nope, nobody has ever been cooler than that.
of course we watched the second one immediately after the first one (which was such a good call)it's awesome to watch them back to back since they take up immediately where the other one left off. and it's remarkable how shitty the first twenty minutes of the second one is, so you're like about to turn it off and then suddenly it gets good again, in that 'It's A Wonderful Life' kind of alternate reality scenario. Anyway yeah, again we were blown away. such ridiculous movies, but jstu SO GOOD. we wanted to tackle the third one too, but at that point it was like 4am, so we had to wait a WHOLE DAY before we could watch teh third.
anyway, it was hands down, THE BEST MOVIE RENTAL OF ALL TIME ANYWHERE. so thank you Fred. you stand a hero amongst your fellow man.
and in the meantime Jean and I are totally in love with Michael J. Fox.
It's pretty disturbing, DO NOT bring him up when I am in the room. I will most likely start squealing things like "MJF interacts with pork!" and then double over in laughter. The same goes for Jean.
keep that in mind folks. It's a dangerous world out there.