Random thoughts.

Jul 24, 2005 21:00

I sometimes contemplate the meaning of personhood. Some philosophers say that being able to rationalize gives a person claim in the "moral community." Am I really a person? I can rationalize, and by the above standards then I am a person. I'm not fully certain, though, that those standards are a good measure of a person. I DO have a mouth and eyes and a pink squishy thing inside a skull. Do you suppose that I can claim it? Is it really mine? I am so confused about what is me and what is my body. I feel like they are partners in a business; obviously both are two separate entities but they must work together to make the business functional. In death, do both partners quit the business or does the remaining partner continue on? Is it possible for Partner A (the soul) to die before Partner B? Kinetic energy remains, but potential energy is gone. I suppose it would go against the laws that man discovered.

Sometimes I think about Ms. Nature as a real figure sprung up from the ground and made of tree trunks and hibiscus and soil. She weeps a downpour and smiles reveal sunlight. Her white hair whips around as she brushes by you and her presence is apparent by her multiple scents. She was young and able before humans came, but God made himself her neighbor and joined together parts from a large bin to make us. Killing, disastrous power-hungry soldiers sent to dominate an innocent saint's community. God is not the almighty, benevolent entity he is believed to be. A serpent who slithers into the minds of his followers, he spread his venom into the minds of his minions. He made them believe that he was the good and innocent neighbor waging war against the forces of evil. Quiet Ms. Nature practices patience and watches helplessly as man cuts off her limbs and her hairs and pull out her eyelashes. Even downpours of low pH and 80 degree days in February have not frightened the fierce fiends; perhaps once She disappears they will realize how they have been deceived.
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