Mar 14, 2010 19:40
Let's take a moment to discuss your fourth-season comedy, 'Til Death.
I don't watch this regularly, in fact over the four years, I've only seen a handful of episodes. But even then, I've noticed a few things.
First off, I have nothing against the core cast, who I take to be Brad Garrett and Joely Fisher (the other married couple played by Eddie Kaye Thomas and Kat Foster being removed after 2 seasons). But that is the main focus of my concerns here. The show has been on for 4 years and has been overhauled more times than my old Pontiac station wagon. When tonight's episode came on as I puttered about my home, I noticed that they had recast the daughter on the show (with the delightful Kate Micucci). This makes the third actress to take over the role, each previous actress having held the part for less than 10 episodes. In fact, the only consistent thing has been Brad and Joely and the set.
Here's the problem. Sure, Brad and Joely are fine, but they don't have that much to work with. There is nothing special, not even remotely, that justifies keeping this show around for so long tinkering on it. It's like someone's favorite junker on the front lawn that gets new parts and dice from the rear view mirror but never runs well. It's a waste of half hour (a full hour, as FOX somehow feels the need to burn off two episodes tonight - with two different daughters, btw!)
So, why, FOX? Can you please explain this two me? You've had other shows that were innovative, smart, and already in the can. (I'm thinking of Drive, in particular, but Firefly is another prime example.) These unique shows were killed rather than take up air-time. But 'Til Death, which is about as trite, useless and unfunny as any sitcom I've seen, has somehow justified 63 episodes (yes, 31 hours of this crap) which is more than Firefly, Drive, and the movie Serenity combined.
The hell, FOX?
Just, the hell?
I could understand if you were killing decent shows that had promise if you had something better to show. Clearly, that is not the case.