UK folks: today's TV all clashes. Help!?

Dec 30, 2006 09:43

Sorry to post a plea out of the blue when I've been so quiet here so long. But it's like this: we missed the first showing of 'Peter and the Wolf' and so we'd like to vid the repeat today. Except that it clashes with 'Spirited Away' (which is, admittedly, probably available commercially). nd it also clashes with 'A Wizard of Earthsea' - I adore the books, but have heard nothing of this dramatisation/film. It might be splendid! Or pants. Does anyone know?

Is anyone out there in the flist in the same dilemma? Can we trade vids? Is the 'Wizard' any good? Is 'Spirited Away' worth a look?

What are we trying to vid this evening? Help, flist, help!
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