This is supposed to be yesterday's post but the supposed end to my midterm exams ended today so it's still timely.
Even though it should have ended yesterday, im just happy it's over. Yesterday's logic exam extended from what should've been just 3 hours to 6 hours...*ADIIIIIKKK*.So the exam for numerical was moved to today. IT'S OVER YO!!!IT'S FINALLY OVER!!
All i can say is that i believe in the power of the siga. (i'm not talking about the's that stuffed shiroi STIKU that's really a bad habbit.ahahah!)
im happy and a bit giddy. although my guilt is pestering me for not being able to go to Shei's birthday. Sorry Shei. The day was amusing because of amusing poeple. It's the kind of amusement that gives me the tickle-ish feeling.ahahaha!
i'm so messed up!! ahahahahha...
i have to be at school tomorrow. じゃ!またがんばります!!!