Draw and/or write. Not the end-all, nor printed in blood.

Oct 02, 2013 09:19

I know writing or drawing something isn't the end all of a project. I am well aware I can do both, but WILL I do anything is the question. Now that I've decided to change the direction of how i will be expressing these stories it's time to belt down on something.

It's important that I put things into priority now. Now that I've gone over all the ideas that are still on my mind I need to pick out the "what's more fruitful and why"s of the group. I'm not going to commit to them to them in creation order, and going by what i'm more inspired to do can change on a daily bases. It's not like i have to do one at a time, but it might be a good idea to by what's more developed right now, and what I'm more interested in developing right now. Naturally, I want to work on my newer ideas, but with the thought of my older ideas in the forefront the most developed older idea is very likely to come out now.

The other thing that's putting me off is all these projects I'm looking at will take a LONG TIME. I don't want to start something that I know will be long with any doubt of finishing it. I need to get over that mental hump, and have more faith in my finishing what i start. And, even if I don't finish it's not like it's going to end the world or anything.  Just another unfinished project on the internet, like many others. I just don't want it to be that way.

development, thoughts, projects, priorities

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