Val day/ game fanart/ Also i left...

Feb 01, 2009 09:21

Everyone is getting there Val day pics on my sites... except my friends. Apparently, i rock with LAMEOS!

Anyway, I want to do something for Val day ,too, but i have no ideas. Any suggestions?


I'm back on Maple Story and the new job is out! It's Pirate! Before i left I thougt Pirate was gonna a job achive for ninjas ,but it's class on it's own.

Anyway, I'm gonna be doing Maple art ,so look out for that!


The sites I've left for dead.


I'm still on

y!g - but they're giving me a hard time. bunch of assholes (no pun intended). I might be taking a break from them soon.
MB - just joined!
Tegaki E & J

UPDATE: Soon to take down art on y!g ,but not leaving. I'll just be inactive to the community ,and in it for the porn.

maple, sites, day, left, valentines, art, story

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