Jan 02, 2009 01:50
It's time for my to look over ,strip down ,and redo my characters for the REAL character profiles i'm gonna make. I won't be using any characters up for the revamp in roleplays, over this time. As much as i want to do this in creation order male Kikyo is the head one sitting on my mind. My newer characters don't need revamping so i'll be playing them ,but i don't have alot of info on the out yet. If that's bearable then we can work it out.
I'm starting all new rps in the new year. Old rps are SO old. Alot of them are so wear down me and the other rper can't even think of anything anymore. I've already closed all rps i started last year. Out with the old! In with the new! I'm into steampunk, cyberpunk, and scifi. Not that I don't still like the other stuff ,but i want it mixxed with that now, except i'll be cutting back on drama and fantasy for a while. I do it so much ,i'm bored and i'm ready to branch out.