Surprisingly, yes! I drove SO BADLY --- I swear, I've never been that terrible, even in driving lessons. Honestly, I'm not sure if he passed me because I really passed, or if he just liked me and felt sorry for me. I was laughing and crying all the way home. Thank god my dad was there to drive home, or I would have definitely crashed. And that really wouldn't have looked too good.
We picked up a pizza, too. Deluxe. Then we got home, and opened the box, and it was cheese, with no other toppings. I started laughing sooooo hard --- it was strangely fitting.
Because, now I can tell you - I really have no idea whether mice are auspicious or not. *sweatdrops* XDXDXDXD I just wanted to cheer up you a little. *blush*
As for the driving part, I'm having driving lesson tomorrow, so ... ;o) Ever tried to drive a car with manual transmission? I recommend it. TT_TT
I love cheese pizza! We have real mozzeralla here. Yummy. *drools*
I really have no idea whether mice are auspicious or not.
Oh, god. *is laughing really, really hard* Did I mention that I love you? Well, I do. That really makes my day. *is still laughing*
Ah, manual transmission. Thank the good deities that it's not mandatory on a road test. Ever try parallel parking in a large van?
Cheese pizza is good, but I love deluxe more. It was just the icing on the cake (or the non-existant topping on the pizza), and it sent me into hysterics. *sweatdrop*
Actually, over here, Pizza Hut has this thing called dessert pizza -- it's basically a pizza crust with pie filling, brown sugar, cinnamon, and icing. It's divine. But I can still see the disturbing mental image ... *snerk*
We picked up a pizza, too. Deluxe. Then we got home, and opened the box, and it was cheese, with no other toppings. I started laughing sooooo hard --- it was strangely fitting.
*is still laughing/crying on the inside*
Because, now I can tell you - I really have no idea whether mice are auspicious or not. *sweatdrops* XDXDXDXD I just wanted to cheer up you a little. *blush*
As for the driving part, I'm having driving lesson tomorrow, so ... ;o) Ever tried to drive a car with manual transmission? I recommend it. TT_TT
I love cheese pizza! We have real mozzeralla here. Yummy. *drools*
Oh, god. *is laughing really, really hard* Did I mention that I love you? Well, I do. That really makes my day. *is still laughing*
Ah, manual transmission. Thank the good deities that it's not mandatory on a road test. Ever try parallel parking in a large van?
Cheese pizza is good, but I love deluxe more. It was just the icing on the cake (or the non-existant topping on the pizza), and it sent me into hysterics. *sweatdrop*
Huh - in France, most cars use manual transmission. And it's compulsory during the driving test.
I am doomed. TT__TT
Icing on a pizza? *sweatdrops* That brough a bad, bad mental image ...
Actually, over here, Pizza Hut has this thing called dessert pizza -- it's basically a pizza crust with pie filling, brown sugar, cinnamon, and icing. It's divine. But I can still see the disturbing mental image ... *snerk*
But don't you insult my Tatsumaki-chan - ever! *bonk* Victoryyyyy! ^_____^V
*looks at Tatsumaki* Oh, so you're Carcinya's Tatsumaki now? Well, that certainly explains a lot. ^_^
Why do you mean by, "that certainly explains a lot"? Care to let me in? *smiles*
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