I've had a lot of crap to straighten out in my life, but I think I've finally managed most of it. As such, I'm going to start using this journal again, and move back into my fandoms.
What are my fandoms nowadays, anyway? Well, I'm still into Kormanslash, and I still lurk in the fantabulous Due South; the major change is that somehow, somewhere along the way, I've become a Stargate: Atlantis junkie. I know I said I wouldn't do it, but it's just too cracktastic and brilliant (the fandom, not the show) to not love.
My problem in returning to this journal: I have not talked to some of my friends people in ages, by which I mean half a year. They are still on my friends page. I still like/adore them. Do I comment? *wrings hands at ignorance of LJ etiquette*
So that this post isn't a complete waste of space, here's a link to
Stuff White People Like, a "scientific approach to highlight and explain stuff white people like". It's a fascinating anthropological study. Also, it's pretty funny.