Dec 16, 2007 09:43
As I have recently been losing at life, school, and the Internet -- the holy trinity -- I feel I should take the precious, precious time I have between my last exam this semester and my undoubtedly hectic and neurotic midterms next semester to post on my poor, neglected LiveJournal as much as possible. (Hilariously, the LJ posting spellchecker doesn't recognize 'LiveJournal' as a word. Or 'spellchecker'.) So, here's what's been happening to me since October:
a) I wrote an essay on Nietzsche. It took me three freaking weeks of nonstop work. I'm not sure how that was possible, given that it was a very basic survey course.
b) I was confronted with the tangible mortality of my peers, and the pending mortality of my dog. Those were a really, really crappy couple of weeks.
c) I hated my life. And sometimes my housemates, but mostly my life.
d) I didn't flunk out of my English minor, which was a real possibility. It seemed to be happening to a lot of my classmates.
e) I didn't write anything fictional.
f) I contemplated getting hooked on Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction, because they bring the good crack, but ultimately decided against it, as I need another fandom like a lemon needs a GameBoy. Also, I seem to suck at contributing to these things.
I think I'm going to podfic one of my Kormanfics over the holidays, when I have access to my sister's microphone. Why? Because I'm totally envious of other people's awesome podfic skills. Also, it seems like fun.
real life no really