you are my sun shine, my only sun shi.....

Sep 01, 2008 00:08

so ... im an puttin gof my howmwork yet again >.< yes i know it is 12:09 and I have yet to do any work...... for a 3 day weekend........ *sigh* i don't think I will be sleeping tonignt :D  *snore* zZZzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ xD i shouldn't have put it off.

~~~Things I learned Today~~~
-you dont take a hot pan out of the oven then put it on a plastic bag
-you cant grill cheese on a grill (with out bread)
-I need a pro-vock-a-tive belt buckle =D (we all do)
-the signs in grocery stores that tell you where everything is ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!
-I like the song Forever by chris brown

im hungry ^^ food :D

plastic bag, pro-vock-a-tive belt buckle, homework, hot pan, things i learned today, sleep, forever -

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