the cat always knows where it is at!

Aug 08, 2008 11:37

yesterday i went to navy pier! 
yay funness!

me and my sister were with bryce who is 11 and breanna who is 9. we rode the farris wheel and thespinny thing! then we went on a speed boat ride too it was fun ^_^ i liked the boat ride (mostly because my sister and her all important hair got wet) I had alot of fun also because brice and breanna said Rabia was mature so she was gloating but then they said that I was the immature fun one! take that rabia!

after that we were hungry so we decided to go to the rain forest cafe. they had never gone there to they loved it, though we got introuble for sitting on the alligator in the water xD when we were going there we took a cab, and since there were four of us I had to sit up front SCARY! he he he then I had to pay ha ha I thought my sister was the older one xD I didn't mind though

she got her payback when we were driving howm ^_^ we spent 20 min driving UNDER THE CITY! i never knew there were rodes ther but I made so hobo friends who gave us directions ^_^

while we were picking out a place to eat my sister told me about this place that make fun of you ^_^ I thought it wounded like a ton of fun but not the bast idea for little kids maybe i can go there with my friends some day ^_^

speaking of friends I think there is a party tonight though I haven't been invited *ego deflates* xD oh well if they want me to come they can invite me if not oh well.  I don't have anything to do today -_-

hobos, bryce, rain forest cafe, breanna, sister, rabia, party, under city, chicago

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