me and frank no more

Jul 22, 2008 18:25 frank and me....
we were 
then we were not xD
then we sorta were xDD
then we were
now we are/are not...

does this make sence to anyone?... i didn't think so ^_^ Im not complaning just ...recording? i guess so i don't forget it ^_^
the reasone that im mad at him is preety stupid so ready your ears/eyes! this shall be done in bullet points ^_^ (because they are my new favorite form of writting ^_^)

-me and frank were hanging out as his house
-he was acting wierd(er than usuall xD)
- his friends walk in and say their usuall "Get a room  you guys" or "weet woot looks whos getting some action" we were only watching TV after a popcorn war xD NOT DOING ANYTHING BAD (i had my feet on his head because i won the war xD)
-two of them sat on me while the other 3 sat of the floor 
-we were all laughting because j(jason) was trying to put his feet on frank tooxD but frank grabed his feet ans tickled them
-this brought on a game of tag (who knows how that happened) 
-tag lasted about 10 seconds befor it became  hide and seek (everyon was hideing)
-i was in franks closet 
-mark decided to hide there too (damn i didn't get a chance to lok for any magaziens xD)
-we were talking/planning to scare the crap out of the next person who came in the room
-we were still laughing about the plan and I guess  someone came in and i didn't notice his room he stoped but i guess i didn't notice he covered my mouth
- i didn't know what was going on so i licked him xD (don't you do that when someone covers your mouth? xDDDD)
- he said "don't lick me!" and attempted to tackle me
- and wha-la the closet door opens xD (can you see where this is going?)
- and there was keel (kelly)laughing her ass off
-ok so this has notmuch to do with naything beside the fact that kelly had a picture on her phone of me and mark in the closet with him ontop-ish of me covering my mouth xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD talk about black mail

ok so for the realy reason xD
-he has a band right? they aren't the best but not to bad
-there singer in on vaction (ON A CRUZ!!! OM JELOUS!)
-they has a i got to fill in
-wig and all horrble singing (who knew you didn't really have to sing in a band? no one can here you xD)
- i didn't want to do it (gee i wonder why? *hintTHATwasSARCASMhint*)
- i made a deal that they pay for icecream and i get to pick a some songe and approve the rest
-well this all went down guess what song i forced them to learn and play ^_^ *bounces*
-YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO TO GUYS LIKE UP IN PRISON!!!!!!!!!! and oh boy did they hate it ^_^
-i had to memorize some words too (no fun -_-)
-and we were on stage I WAS FREAKING SCARED SHITLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-but we went on with it. and the sing i picked was last ^_^ but befor that 
-frank came up befor my song and said that in exchange for the sing i picked he go tto choose one....three words....HIGH.SCHOOL.MUSICAL pure torture!!!!!!!!!THAT EVILL PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the worst part was that i knew wthe words ;_;
-now who would have thought that a guy would know about the existant of ferarg! if i knew he knew ( i have his cuz to thank for that apparently)..if i knew he knew i would NOT have picked that song xDDDDDDD
-this is why i really got mad at him.... being attacked/kissed on stage in ferard fasssion (kinda using force) NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING!!!
-so damn right i was mad! so mad in fact that i didn't talk to him and got his friend mark to drive me home. (45 min away >.-he followed (soupposedly he was sorry pffft) and so mark drove aruond untill we lost him and i got to my house before him (because i knew the fastest way)
-i ingored the 1o00000000000000 times he called 
-i ingored him when he said he was going to come to talk to me (purpously stayed out)
-i ingored his emails or at least didn't resond( i couldn't help reading them)
-i have talked to mark and branon and mark said that frank was being all moopy and brandon said that if i don't want frank he was free xD then mark said the same thing xDDD which got them arguing (they wern't serious at all) and mark brought up the picture from the closet adn brand wanted to know about it
brand went to keel who showed him the pic
-brand took the phone and sent tohe picture to a bunch of people....even me
- frank got the picture and was MAD (according to mark) he even went as far as too punch mark who is shorter than him.;_;  and accused him of going behind he backwith "the girl that means to damn much to me" me being him talking (it is on video kell has is i swears she is obsessed with blackmail xD)
-keel explained everything and he went to mark and appoligized with all that weird freaky man bonding crap and mark was cool about it
- he was mad at me too but now is wanting to talk to me even more (like he is ever going to get too =P)

and we got into an argument befor about why i won;t let him meet my friends...... it's kinda difficult you see. what if they don't like him? and i can only wonder... but something i also don't want to happen is... ever heard the term "i put my sister befor my mister" well i have and i don't know if i can do that xD i have a friend who said that but now i see her almost every day and when he is there it is like i don't exist xD literly i can walk away and he would notice befor she did xDDD and it preety much sucks for me at least and i don't want to be like that with my friends ;_;

and i know he will read this ^_^ because he is a creepy stalker who reads this thing...though i don't know if he still does he might have given up on me (i don't know if i want him to or not -_-) so thast about it.

frank breakup? concert unimportant

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