Coming Up for Air

Sep 13, 2005 00:57

It's only a brief respite, but I wanted to come up for air for a few minutes. The GoH's were taken back to the airport on Thursday, so I caught up on sleep this weekend. I dove right into the books and balanced the books for 2004. I then switched over and started finishing up the 2004 taxes. I just finished the federal taxes and will wrap up the state taxes in the morning. Once that is done, I can wrap up the key PMX05 financials by this weekend.

One thing I wanted to note before going off topic. I'm really proud of the staff. Despite all of the adversity of Katrina, $4 gas and mis-steps at the con, they really held together well and are just growing closer. I think we are rapidly becoming family. I don't think I see anywhere near this level of hugging at any other con.

One of my friends is turning the big 5-0 this weekend (second friend this year!), so I might have a slight distraction.

After that, I want to write my thank you's, wrap up the pmx06 bids, tidy up my personal finances and get my life back together.

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