why am i up at this time of morning ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oct 15, 2010 04:57

because I get up 3:30 ish to go to the bathroom & hear the shower dripping. I reach in and turn the handle ON/OFF, thinking that's weird, it wasn't doing that when I went to bed. And the water speeds up until the shower is running almost full on. Hot water at that. I try to find local shut off valve for shower, no luck. Walk around house w/flashlight - no luck. Finally peer into muddy crawlspace with spider webs - spot red handle as described online. Find EXTREMELY old oversized pair of jeans, crawl in and successfully turn water off. yay.

Call plumber later. After I meet the internet/cable guy at my mother's house at 8. She hasn't had the internet since Tuesday.

Now for a couple hours sleep before I get up. Again. What a "lovely" start to my day off. Though I guess I am grateful I'm not working after losing more than an hour of sleep in the middle of the night.
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