[fic] About Him Chan

Dec 19, 2012 02:31

Title: About Him Chan
Pairings: Yongguk x Himchan
Genre: romance
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Yongguk describes what he likes the most about his best friend, his lover.
A/N: ... No comment.

The list I could make up of things that I loved about Himchan - if I actually made it - would be endless, if not very extensive. As far as I’m concerned, he’s the closest thing to perfection I’ve seen a human get. I’d be content to just spend the rest of my life watching him, finding his little quirks and loving every one of them.
His laugh. The way he giggles when I wrap my arms around his waist from behind when he’s washing dishes. When I nuzzle my nose into the center of his ear and press my lips just below his earlobe, a shudder runs down his spine and he let’s out this breathless giggle. Every time I get to hear this precious sound, I repeat the action just to hear it again.

Like I know he does, his touch. The way his fingers know just how to curl around the baby hairs at the back of my neck and tug gently on them when he kisses me to arouse that feeling in my gut. It makes a warm shiver shake down my spine and spread through my stomach and out into my bones.
Like how unruly his hair can be. Even though it annoys Himchan, my favorite time to see him is when he first wakes up and his ebony hair is wild and sticks up in every direction. It’s oddly sexy how his black sideburns graze the tragus of his ears, how the hair on the back of his neck curves slightly around the sides  and up towards his ear. It’s really very cute.

Much like when Himchan is on his way to sleep, he lets out these little quiet sighs that end in an almost inaudible whimper and it makes me smile every time I get to hear him make that noise. So do his thighs. I can’t help it. In the car, on long or short rides, my hand just instinctively drifts to his knee over the console and habitually runs up the length of his thigh. It’s just natural, and I love to see the squirming smirk that Himchan tries to hold back whenever I touch him like this. I know he loves it, because more often than not he’s the one who takes my hand and places it there.

When the mood gets steamy between us, Himchan gets this little beading of perspiration along his upper lip and the pearls of saltiness tend to pool in the deep groove of his philtrum. When we kiss, I make sure to trace over this sort of erogenous zone for him repeatedly, eliciting the softest of sighs from him into my own mouth. One of my favorites is the way his face scrunches up and I hear that cute, little noise he makes in the back of his throat when he cums. I want to be the only one ever allowed to hear that sound and see that face and feel his warmth under me. The way my hands fit perfectly into the curve of his lower back when he arches into me as he hits his climax. It’s enough with that alone to cause me to come alongside him.

My favorite smell on him is the musky scent of him when I nuzzle my nose into the soft fuzz at the base of his member, the head of him touching the back of my throat as he squirms lazily under my touch. I twirl a bit of it around my finger for effect and Himchan half-heatedly protests, but I know he finds it erotic.
Like lazy kisses. The kind where it’s too hot out for either of us to wear a shirt and Himchan finds me in the morning, lounging on the couch, my upper body bare and sticky with the heat. He straddles my hips and lets my tongue in to explore lazily. This makes me realize how much I love that Himchan’s mouth is so warm. My tongue laps languidly in every corner of the warm cavern of his mouth, the taste of him and feel of his own slick muscle moving with mine causing me to moan into his eager mouth. It reminds me of his own high-pitched sound Himchan makes when I spread him open like a flower and leave vestiges of saliva trailing up the innermost seam of his thigh with my lips. It’s heavenly; especially when I let my tongue lap at the sensitive skin where his thigh and crotch meet. He makes my head spin and my thoughts swim.

So does his happy trail. The thin, wispy line of curly, black hair that begins just below his belly button and trails below his boxers just to tease me with fantasies of more sensitive, receptive skin. This makes me think of how he sounds, what noises he would make. The rasp in Himchan’s voice when he speaks. It’s like a deep purple, velvety road that hits my ears with a lulling effect. It doesn’t matter what he says, who he’s talking to, why he’s talking….his voice just sounds nice and any night it could put me to sleep, if he would just keep talking to me all night. Also velvety, the peach fuzz on the small of his back. The first time I noticed these little, silvery hairs, we were in the shower together and the morning sunshine from the skylight hit the right part of his back and I couldn’t help but notice them, touch them, run my lips across them. Oddly enough, this little detail about him became an aphrodisiac. Much like the way his eyes, black as night, are slightly crossed. It’s cute. Especially when he opens his eyes really wide and looks up at me with that puppy expression….it makes me crumble every time.

So does Himchan’s “rabbit smile.” he becomes insecure about this, when he shouldn’t even be concerned about it at all. When he smiles like this, I know he is really happy and I can’t help but smile along with him.

yongguk, banghim, himchan, b.a.p

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