Title: Betwixt and Between
Rating/Pairings: PG-13, Sam/Annie, Sam/Gene
Disclaimer: Nein, it's not mine.
Spoilers: The premise of Ashes to Ashes, tiny little spoilers for the finale.
Summary: The choice is the least of Sam's problems. (That's evasive enough, isn't it, for a summary?)
A/N: Sadly LoM
Portoberfest is over so this is me now getting back
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Comments 4
Oh my.. that's heart-breaking stuff. I kept expecting Sam to DO something or Gene to do something, but no, Gene just leaves him! *weeps*
And Annie! This is why I think Sam is selfish sometimes.. he takes her for granted. That scene where he tries to 'get her back' is so real it hurts! Totally Sam.
*leaves weeping*
You're just amazing :)
This was just so heartwrenchingly good, it just made me ache. You've done Annie incredibly well in this fic, something that I always find difficult to do, and the way that Sam felt the weight of "forever" in this was just horrifyingly real...
Amazingly done!
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