I think this makes me a sheep

Nov 29, 2006 09:16

Who was the first person you wanted to be like?: dad?
Who do you think raised you the most: your mom or dad?: both
Who have you not been completely honest with lately?: Ive been honest with most
Who is the last person in your family to die?: I'm pretty sure it was my great-grandfather
Who do you think is the most attractive person you know?: o gosh don't know
Who are you willing to die for?: friends/fam
Who has a crush on you right now?: logan
Who would you like to get to know more? neybody
Who would star as you in the movie about your life?: why not me
Who did you go to your senior prom with?: jon
Who is the nicest person you've ever met?: my grandmother martha
Who taught you how to ride a bike?: dad
Who has been annoying you lately?: a few folks
Who do you regret ever knowing?: i don't regret
Who do you think will read this when you're done?: who ever wants to

What's your bedroom's color scheme?: white and purple with pictures
What kind of ice do you prefer: cubed or crushed?: cubes
What languages do you speak fluently?: english and kinda french
What about you sets you apart from the crowd?: I'm not really sure
What impact have you made, however big or small?: gosh i donno
What is your favorite game show?: price is right
What would you most likely go to jail for?: I would be guilty by association.
What is the first thing you do when you get your paycheck cashed?: food :)
What is the most uncomfortable thing about yourself? not really sure what this question means
What's the first thing that you notice about someone?: personality
What celebrity do people tell you that you look like?: I don't think ive ever had someone tell me i look like a celebrity.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?: Snooze button n then shower
What's one thing people would never expect you to do?: like rodents... mice are ewwwww
What do you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?: happyness

When did you lose your first tooth?: grade primary
When is the last time you puked?: summer
When do you want to get married?: 25-30ish
When do you think you'll die?: when im ready
When is the appropriate time to bring up bad news?: anytime
When was the last time you visited a doctor?: it was a while ago
When is it the easiest for you to fall asleep?:while watching a movie that i want to see
When do you usually wake up?: between 7-10am
When did you take Algebra 1 -- and pass?: what is algebra 1?
When did you start learning about puberty?: grade 5 or 6 i think
When is your parents' anniversary?:Aug 24
When did you get tired of answering these questions?: didn't yet
Where were you when the first 9/11 attacks happened?: Mme. Doyle's french class
Where do you feel the most comfortable?: with friends/fam
Where is the last place you found something you'd lost?: i'm still looking
Where do you like to go for fun?: out
Where would you take someone for a first date?: wherever somewhere new if possible
Where do you refuse to go?: into very small spaces
Where do you keep the things you don't want people to find?: I don't really know why i would say that on here.
Where is the party usually at?: around
Where is the perfect place to get to know someone?: really get to know someone... anywhere quiet
Where is the last place you broke up with someone?: The last time I broke up with someone... that was ages ago and that was a phone thing. Last time someone broke up with me..... lol
Where do you wish you lived?: Honestly I like it right here it would be nice if it was warmer tho
Where was your secret hiding spot as a kid?: Steff tells me it was a cuboard.
Where did or do you go to school?: Southbar elementry, WPM, RHS, CBU
Where are you going after this?: School :( lol

Why are you in the position that you're in?: because im foolish
Why would you give someone five dollars?: If they needed it
Why aren't you out doing something else?: well i have to go to school soon
Why are gas prices so high?: war... i donno
Why is the sky blue?: light
Why do you think JFK was assassinated?: don't know
Why would anyone go out of their way to please someone?: because they want to
Why are you on MySpace?: jon told me to (altho i never use it) Went to once and got fed up... that ended that.
Why do or don't you like the current president?: Hes rather silly.
Why do you cry at movies?: I used to never cry... now it just happens
Why would you fall in love with someone?: I think it just happens. I really don't think you can help it.
Why do you talk the way you do?: because im from CB :)
Why are you single (or taken)?: why am i single... because im foolish lol
Why are you happy to be done?: im thirsty
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