...Собственно, не происходит того, что американский социолог Ритцер называет "макдонализацией общества"
. Современные (модерные) общества отличаются от "несовременных" особым типом "рациональности" (так это называл Макс Вебер), предполагающей использование наименьшего количества средств для решения задачи. В современных эффективных и технологичных обществах повторяющиеся задачи делятся на ряд простых операций, а "протокол" определяет обязанности, ответственность и последовательность. Тут, конечно, есть угроза машинизации человека (или того отчуждения труда, о котором писам Маркс), но этот способ позволяет обеспечить товарами и услугами наибольшее количество людей, да и уровень смертности от "глупых причин" все же будет пониже. Итак, из Википедии:
McDonaldization is a term used by
sociologist George Ritzer in his book
The McDonaldization of Society (1995). He describes it as the process by which a
society takes on the characteristics of a
fast-food restaurant. McDonaldization is a reconceptualization of
rationalization, or moving from
traditional to
rational modes of thought, and
scientific management. Where
Max Weber used the model of the bureaucracy to represent the direction of this changing society, Ritzer sees the fast-food restaurant as having become a more representative contemporary
paradigm (Ritzer, 2004:553).
Ritzer highlighted four primary components of McDonaldization:
- Efficiency - the optimal method for accomplishing a task. In this context, Ritzer has a very specific meaning of "efficiency". Here, the optimal method equates to the fastest method to get from point A to point B. In the example of McDonald's customers, it is the fastest way to get from being hungry to being full. Efficiency in McDonaldization means that every aspect of the organization is geared toward the minimization of time.[1]
- Calculability - objective should be quantifiable (i.e., sales) rather than subjective (i.e., taste). McDonaldization developed the notion that quantity equals quality, and that a large amount of product delivered to the customer in a short amount of time is the same as a high quality product. This allows people to quantify how much they're getting versus how much they’re paying. Organizations want consumers to believe that they are getting a large amount of product for not a lot of money. Workers in these organizations are judged by how fast they are instead of the quality of work they do.[2]
- Predictability - standardized and uniform services. "Predictability" means that no matter where a person goes, they will receive the same service and receive the same product every time when interacting with the McDonaldized organization. This also applies to the workers in those organizations. Their task are highly repetitive, highly routine, and predictable.[3]
- Control - standardized and uniform employees, replacement of human by non-human technologies
With these four processes, a strategy which is rational within a narrow scope can lead to outcomes that are harmful or irrational.
The process of McDonaldization can be summarized as the way in which "the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world.” (Ritzer, 1993:1).
Далее, еще есть
Cocacolonization (alternatively coca-colonization) is a term that refers to
globalization or
cultural colonization. It is a
portmanteau of the name of the
multinational soft drink maker
Coca-Cola and the word
The term is used to imply either:
It is possible to use the term
benignly. It has been used
pejoratively to liken globalization to
Westernization or
И самое интересное:
Disneyfication and Disneyization (also McDisneyization) are
neologisms derived from the name of
The Walt Disney Company to describe what some see as the spread of the principles of Disney
theme parks throughout society. Sharon Zukin (1996) uses the former term in her book The Cultures of Cities, as do other social scientists writing about urban transformation. The latter term was popularized by
Alan Bryman in a 2004 book, The Disneyization of Society. Disneyfication of urban space is explored in Jeff Ferrell's Tearing Down the Streets: Adventures in Urban Anarchy.
The terms are generally pejorative, and they imply theming, de-differentiation of consumption, merchandising, and emotional labour. They can be used more broadly to describe the processes of stripping a real place or event of its original character and repackaging it in a sanitized format. References to anything negative are removed, and the facts are watered down with the intent of making the subject more pleasant and easily grasped. In the case of places, this typically means replacing what has grown organically over time with an idealized and tourist-friendly veneer reminiscent of the "
Main Street, U.S.A." attractions at
Disney theme parks.
French philosopher Jean Baudrillard (who writes about the nature of
reality and the
hyperreality) has called
Disneyland the most real place in the
U.S., because it is not pretending to be anything more than it actually is, a
theme park. In his
essay Simulations, he writes:
"Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, when in fact all of Los Angeles and the America surrounding it are no longer real, but of the order of the hyperreal and of simulation." He also criticized the hidden corporate nature of the company in his book America:
"The whole Walt Disney philosophy eats out of your hand with these pretty little sentimental creatures in grey fur coats. For my own part, I believe that behind these smiling eyes there lurks a cold, ferocious beast fearfully stalking us."
Короче, в мире сейчас рулит гламуризация посредством доброты Диснея (как известно, людей можно пытать просмотром их продукции - см. Семейку Адамсов) и предельная рационализация.
Боюсь, что даже если сам процесс нам не понравиться, то он еще нескоро покажет свои основные симптомы. Стандартизация, предсказуемость, эффективность - какие далекие и заманчивые слова для наших общественно-государственных практик. Жаль...