My last public entry, for now. Transcending The Illusion.

Feb 24, 2006 13:21

I'm preparing for my journey to the mountain. I was going to do a certain exercise, writing, to prepare for it. I was interupted by life.

I was smoking a clove with my brother, Wes, just a few moments ago.

I was reviewing the apparent chaos I have created today. And then suddenly, like a warm embrace from a long lost cosmic lover from a previous life, a realization rested upon me. Suddenly the whole picture became instantly clear, all at once.

I will describe it.

Enlightenment isn't a state of being acquired by a linear progression through feats, steps, phases, etc...

Enlightenment is a vibratory level of being that is attained by harmonizing your choices with the Spiritual Intention of the Universe. Once you can clearly see Love within Hate; once you can clearly see Peace within Disturbance; once you can clearly see Union within disUnion; once you can see Joy within Suffering; once you can see the world around you with the Inner Vision I'm describing, and then harmonize your choices with your spiritual intention completely free from the Illusion of Duality found in Maya (The Illusion), then the door opens to live life within Maya as a whole being. A lifestyle that expresses the Freedom from Illusion of Duality found in Maya (or Samsara) vibrates at the level of Enlightenment.

When a Being's center of gravity is fully enmeshed within the vibration of Freedom as I've just described it, such a Being is said to be Atman-Realized, or Self-Realized, or Illumined, for such a Being is a full (whole) expression of the Nondual Truth of Existence.

And now, with those words. I prepare to keep my appointment atop the Mountain of Stillness. I send my Love and my Joy and my Peace to All, especially to my friends, family, associates, and all other loved ones with whom it has been my rich blessing to know. I invite all of you into this moment with me.

If you wish to send me your love as I make this journey, I would be most appreciative of it.

I love you.

Namaste, dearOnes. Namaste.

Noa 'ImiLoa
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