Lightning struck earlier today! 'Going the Temple': A Special Meditation I'll do Friday.

Feb 22, 2006 16:38

So many of you are new to my blog, I wanted to sorta let you in on something you'll be noticing in my life over the next few days/weeks.

I'm constantly evolving. I'm constantly seeking my next highest choice, my next highest reality, my next highest expression of Who I Really Am.

The process happens with a pattern, and as many of you are now involved in my life (through more than just this blog, but also with those of you who interact with me through email, phone, IM, in person, etc...) this pattern will affect you, and I think it's good to be transparent about it so you can sorta be aware of things as they happen.

The way the pattern works is I go through a period of very small steps. One small step forward, two steps back, three steps forward, one step back, two steps forward, and on and on and on. Moment to moment, it can seem hectic. But then much like a top that is slowing down, slowing down, slowing down, then the hand of the Divine steps in and re-twists the top and speeds it back up. Incrementally, it's like skipping forward two or three flights of stairs all in one moment that lasts around three breaths for me as I expereince them.

The actual experience of it is much like the process of developing film. The new information is like the film that you put over a light. You then submit a blank sheet of photo paper and expose it to this new configuration of light. The blank sheet now has the new information. You then put it into the liquid of that tray that has the stuff they use to get the colors to appear on the blank sheet. Almost like magic, this new image appears out of nowhere.

That's what the experience is like inside myself. (Impossible to convey it directly, I have to use these models just so those who have some experience with these things might notice it as they experience it within themselves.)

Then to use this same metaphor as far as the evolutionary development is concerned. What happens after the photopaper of your soul is exposed and manifested in this way is you spend the next weeks/months allowing the image created to fade back to blankness, and once you have a blank photosheet again, you then sit still and wait for the next transmission.

Well, today I just had such a transmission. The power of such a thing is so intense that it took me many times of observing this process happen to even be able to function appropriately directly after the transmission happens, but before the image arises. That period of time where the image is still developing on the blank photopaper. That process was so overwhelming that it took me a while to learn how to function. Sometimes I'd get manic and start haphazardly hurting those near me, because I had no sense of self-control with this new energy. (Jeh and Michelle and even Hani have all lived through this with me at close range, unfortunately.)

So yeah, things are about to get fun! I'm so delighted!

Once every few months I do a very special meditation. The last time I remember doing this one was at the end of the summer of 2005. This meditation is like walking up a mountain to attain a certain depth of perspective, and then once you're at this peak, you then spend some time surveying everything, and looking very carefully at the overall view of the environment around you. It's a process of making some very important choices at a very abstract level of reality.

Here's the thing, as I've gained experience doing this meditation, which often takes me a few hours to reach the place of Stillness that allows me to sit in that Stillness with the overall condition of my life, I noticed that there is an opportunity for others to be blessed through this process I go through.

At this peak, while I'm there, my sense of self is very thin. Those close to me in my life are very often there with me. So if there is some aspect of your life that you would like an increase of light upon, then maybe hold that issue in your mind throughout the day on Friday, and you'll likely notice a sudden burst of inspiration come through you at some point following Friday. (The more mental barriers you have, the longer it takes, but it normally will come.)

Also, if you'd like to have me more actively help in that regard, just send me a private email describing the issue you have. I won't email you back right away. I won't even respond at that time. But the act of taking the spiritual intention and putting words to it actually creates an even more powerful energy pattern. (You can also just write it to yourself privately, which works also if you prefer to keep them all to yourself.)

But then at some point after Friday, we'll likely have a chat and we can talk about the issue, or I can share any insight I garnered while "at the mountain Temple," so to speak.

Feels weird to throw myself out there this way, but hey. I'm doing all the work anyway, so why not at least allow others the opportunity to benefit from it if they so choose, you know?

So I'm going to do all this Friday, which seems to be the best day given the nature of this week.

Drop me a line if you want me to read something before I enter into that place.

Smooches, all!
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