V-Day with SAW/SAW II. A great night! ;)

Feb 15, 2006 10:34

Before I get into this blog, wanna say the song on the background is a song called 'Raindrops' by Stunt. It's a fairly newer hit from the UK, put out on Ultra Records, which mainly puts out jams that have already took the floors by storm, of course. But I really enjoy some of the more mainstream, and even "cheesier" songs. I don't consider this one cheesy, really.

For me, this song is the latest in maybe a couple dozen songs I have in my quiver that I'd really love to put on a romantic mix of tunes I'd mix together for fucking. HEHEHE I even have this idea that one day I'll do a series of mixes that can be stacked seamlessly on top of one another, and the series would be called, "Songs For Fucking." LOL In my mind, the series would progress through three hour-long mixes, and once I got those in place, I'd go back and get a foreplay mix done. *giggle* And once that one's done, maybe then go do a fourth that is an afterglow, chillout mix for cuddling, etc... And if that's not enough music for one hell of a night, then one more mix to go with the 3 original ones. Then we'd have a little soundtrack to a certain experience of fucking, and once that one was done, I'd start over and do it again. LOLOL (But we'd still have that other set as a classic set of tunes that really is a special experience that we can revisit and reinvent from time to time, you know?)

No idea why I share all that, but this song, Raindrops, is one that would be early in the mix, all about being with that new person who just does something special to your body and soul, you know? Thing is, I'd likely put that Full Intention mix of 'Amazing' on there in that early mix, too. HEHHE Okay, enough of all that.

So last night I started the night having a chat with Christina (I know 3 of you, so the ones that I didn't talk to yesterday, it wasn't you). I was sitting at the table on my lappy, and my mom saw how excited I get when someone allows me to help them sort out stuff in their life. Early on in the chat, I put on Eben's Synorgy mix from 2005, On Till Dawn - Ebenflow. And of course like 15 minutes into the mix here comes, 'Music Is The Answer' by Danny Tenaglia, and now I'm bouncing in my seat and grinning and giggling and singing both outloud and on IM while chatting... "Music is the answer to your problems... keep on moving then you can solve them... if you feel you can't take no more.. and your feet are headed for the door... gotta keep on dancin and prancin... groovin gotta keep on moving... flying, stop your crying... choosing while you're cruising..."

And it was great timing, cause the conversation had just started to go from serious to more playful, which is my latest trend when dealing with emotionally challenging things. Recontextualize the emotional challenge, and then remember that life isn't meant to be work, but is meant to be play. I think we all take ourselves a bit too seriously when we feel inadequate, so I do my best help people see through the problems and then enjoy the process, so to speak. Anyway...

So at some point, it was time to go hang with Wes. We went and did some deviant things that I shall not get into, but that were quite fun. I got to see the way Wes is a sweetheart in his own way. I'm saying this about a dude whose response to my saying, "Happy Valentine's Day" in the morning was, "Oh fuck off!" HEHEHE There aren't many people out there in the world who can make such a phrase feel so loving, let me just say that! I actually like the way he balances out my sweetness with his punchiness. :)

And after the more deviant part of the night, which also included helping out a friend who suffered a catastrophe, Wes had been planning on watching SAW II, which had just come out on DVD yesterday. Then while out being deviants, he found out that I hadn't seen SAW, the first movie. So after he raised some hell about how I should have told him that while we were still at Blockbuster, cause you can't watch SAW II without first watching SAW, we walked our asses back over to Blockbuster and picked up SAW.

Ended up finally watching SAW. Now I'm not big into horror movies anymore. I just don't enjoy them the way I used to. But SAW is really an interesting movie. It's not pure horror. It's more a suspense thriller. And somehow it takes you into this weird headspace where you are wondering how you'd respond to these challenges the main two characters are dealing with. (Don't wanna ruin it for those who haven't seen it.)

Was a really good movie, actually. Then we finished it and took a little break over to the Sev, and then back to watch the second one. That one was good, but missed the same edge that the first one had, I think mainly because it tried to make the original premise of the first one so much more complicated. It had some great moments, but that first one was more brilliant, while the second one was more or less just really good. No slight to SAW II, just SAW was that good, you know?

Anyway, that was the night. Finished the second one around 4am and woke up a while ago.

Much love to everyone. I love you all! ;)
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