..my crushes..

Mar 21, 2011 03:57

okay, wanted to post it tommorow... but... i"m a lil drunk and don't wanna sleep so=)))
actually  I wanted to make this entry looooong ago, so finally I did it=)))

Men, I like a looooot of men, you know… ALOOOOOT!!! They own my heart due to one or another reasons, and I'd have sex with some of them (only SOME of them, not everyone I must say=) if I have such an opportunity or in any other universe=) Well, here is the small list of my crushes....
Let’s start=)

Shannon - hands, eyes, lips, body, voice *ohmygosh* - he is MY TYPE in everything I think, I can drool nonstop while just thinking about him=) I’m dying - so wanna marshug …. *sigh*

Jensen - everything that I wrote above, I can say here too - my type for sure =)

Bradley - blond hair WTH?!?!?!?!?! I’m surprised of myself =) but I can’t stand his charm anyway, fell in love with the first moment I saw him, and his accent… aaawwwww!!!

Matt - oh babe, yep, gay, but who cares?!! It doesn’t matter whom to drool over, right?=) I love his light step, I’m melting seeing it=))) lol but sometimes there are some angle for a moment - OMG I don’t like his face!!! And I sit like BHAM!!! What the hell was that??? =) hard to explain=) I know=)

Brendon - sooooooooooooooooooooo hard here….. first of all - his lips…. Such lips drive me crazy and that’s why I hate them! *personal experience* but I can’t do ANYTHING about it and I can stare at his lips all the video long… fuck!.... and the second - his name… I don’t really like this name, again due to my personal experience which I try not to remember…. But lips!!!! And eyes!!!!! Aaaawwwww *what are you doing to me!!?!??!!*

Colin - so cute boy!!! His smile can melt EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!!! Right?=))) + his accent *llllove it!!*

Jared L. - perfect blue eyes, indescribable talent, amazing madness=))) love him=)

Theo - FINGERS!!!! I don’t know why=) This is the first time and I think the last one when I have a fingers obsession!!!...

Well… I can tell something like this about every men I like=) but there are the ones that surround me lately, so that’s enough for now=)

matthew bomer, shannon leto, brendon urie, bradley james, theo hutchcraf, jared leto, colin morgan, jensen ackles, thoughts

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